Getting Started
To get started with Request Link, You first need to make an account. To do this go to the homepage and click Register, type in your username and password, click Register.

Create a Store
Once logged in, you will see "Manage a Store Menu" followed by "Add a New Store", Click "Add a New Store"
Public Names and Private Names
When creating a store or a menu item, you will be asked for a Public and Private name. These names help you and your customers find items and understand what they are.

Public Names are used for naming things that customers will see. Anything with the option to have a Public name will use that name when it is displayed to a customer.
Private Names are used for you and your team to understand what a menu item means. If you call something other than it's public name, put your name in the private name option.

Store Requirements

These *Requirements need to be satisfied before your store will open for online ordering.
  • Open Time Set
  • Close Time Set
  • Active Email Set
All *Requirements can be completed under the Store Menu Manager portion of the online editor.

Store Menu Manager
The Store Menu Manager allows you to configure and monitor the menu's offered by your stores along with setting rules of when to serve your online menu.
Store Options

Online Ordering Rules which allows you to set dates, times, and days where to not serve online order to your customers.

Rule Type:
  • Date: Allows you to be closed on a certain date, such as a holiday.
  • Day Off: Allows you to be closed on a certain days on the week, such as not being open on mondays.
  • Open Time: Allows you to set the time when online menu serving will be open to your *Requirement users.
  • Close Time: Allows you to set the time when online menu serving will be stopped. *Requirement

Rule Value: The Date, Day or Time for the rule. Rule Status: Is the store Open or Closed. Add: Add the rule to your store. Reset: Reset the rule creator.

Order Settings controls where your order are sent, your store's timezone, and where your online customers are sent after they have completed their order.
  • Online Order Link: Share this link with your customers to start receiving online orders.
  • Store Timezone: Set your timezone to match your stores, this is defaulted to US/Eastern.
  • Orders Email: Set the email attached to your menu to. *Requirement
  • Post Order URL: The location to send the user after they have completed their order.
  • Store QRCode: The Request Link Qr Code that links to the active store's ordering menu.

Admin Settings Store Admin Settings
  • Delete This Store: Delete the Store This can not be undone.
Menu Options

Menu Options allows you to add certain Units you've built to the Active Store's Menu.
  • Search By Name: This allows you to add specific Units to your menu.
  • Add By Class: This allows you to add multiple Units to your menu by class name.
This Store's Menu Hold the Unit's you've added to your menu and allows you to disable them temporarily or Remove them

Save Menu Make Sure you use the button to save your changes

Build Menu Options
What are Units?

Units are items that are on the menu, for example:
  • Spicy Chicken Sandwhich
  • Lunch Combo
  • Cheese Burger
  • Large Drink
  • Straw
Build Menu Options is where you create Unit's that go onto your menu.

Clicking on Units: Menu Choices will open up the Unit Creator/Editor window.
Build a Unit

On the right hand pane, you will see a menu labeled as Build a Unit
This section of the editor will allow you to edit or create a Unit.
Unit Properties
  • Public Name: The name your customers will see *Required
  • Private Name: The name you and your employees will see, mimics your Public Name *Required
  • Class Name: Menu Classes Group your Units when a customer visits your menu. For example:
    • Combos
    • Burgers
    • Shakes
    • Sides
  • Secondary Class Name: Secondary Classes allow you to give the user options for Units inside of Units. for more See "Secondary Classes"
  • Cost: The cost of this Unit.
  • Description: A small Description to apply to the Unit for customers to see. *Recommended
  • Schedule: If this Unit is on a Schedule, such as Lunch Only specials, or breakfast items only avalible during breakfast.
  • Upload An Image: Allows you to upload an Image to the Unit. A square image is Recommended for images. Bare in mind images will be resized to 600px after upload. However if the aspect ratio is not square, it will be adjusted to fit in a sqaure. *Recommended
What are Secondary Classes/Secondary Class Options?

Secondary Classes are a way to organize Units in a different way than the menu class. This will allow for Unit combinations.

Secondary Class Options

To add a Secondary Option to a Unit, click the button.
This builds a pop up option to allow you input the:
  • Secondary Class Name: The name of the Secondary Class *Required
  • Option Required: Is this option Required *Recommended
  • Remove: Remove this option
Unit Additions

Unit Additions are items that go onto Units. Such as:
  • Pickles
  • Carrots
  • Onion
  • Ketchup
After Additions are created you can append them by their class name, or individually indiviuals to the Unit.
  • Addition Name: The name of the Addition
  • Default: Is this item already on the Unit when ordering.
  • Cost on Enable: The cost of the Addition when added to the Unit. Note: This will default to 0 if "Default" is enabled.
  • Cost on Extra: The cost of the Addition when the user selects "Extra"
  • Remove: Remove the Addition from the unit


Clicking the button will commence a server update of your menu.

When saving the data in the Build a Unit pane, if you've just created the Unit and the save was successful, you will see the save Icon on the lower right, followed by the pane becoming empty.

When editing a Unit, clicking save will notify you that there is an existing Unit with the same Private Name, clicking ok will allow you to overwrite that Unit with the data in the right hand pane you will then see the save Icon on the lower right, followed by the pane becoming empty.

Units: Your Menu Items

On the left hand pane, you will see a menu labeled as Units: Your Menu Items
This section of the editor holds your menu items so you can edit them after they have been created. Clicking on the item will you send it to the right pane for you to edit. It also hold the delete button for you to delete the item off of your menu.

Build Unit Additions
Additions are items that go onto Units. For example if you had a burger Unit, you would have pickles, lettuce and ketchup as Additions. Additions allow users to select 4 levels: None, Little, Normal, and Extra.

Class Names

Similarly to the Units Class, this allows you to add Additions by class instead of individually.
For Example:
  • Ketchup
  • Mustard
  • Mayo
Could all be apart of the "Condiment" Class Name

It is important to note that when building Additions setting a value for "Cost" will only apply to Units that have the default option to off. For example: If you had a burger Unit that does not come with Avacado but it is an avalible option to add on, when a customer sets the value above "None" will apply the cost of this Addition to the total. Following, selecting extra will apply the Cost On Extra Value.

Please Note both the Cost and Cost on Extra will not be added if a user selects Extra.

Example: Building a Burger
When building a Unit such as a burger it is important to be efficient and create all Additions before we create the Unit. Such as Toppings, Condiments, and anything else you are going to be applying to the burger.

Another rule to being efficient and creating classes is to make sure to set Addition Class Names when and where ever possible. This helps during the next step. For this example we will create Additions for our burger. In the Build an Addition editor of the Additions: Unit addativies/toppings menu, create the following. NOTE: A Few Additions have already been pre created for each account. Delete any Additions your store does not use.

Name: Bacon
Class Name: Meats
Cost: 0.50
Cost on Extra: 1.25

Once you have created all the Additions we will go on to create the burger Unit.

In the Build a Unit editor of the Units: Menu Choices menu, we can start to apply information to the Unit
Public Name Cheese Burger
Private Name cheese_burger
Class Name Burgers
Secondary Class Name
Cost 8.00
Description Request Link Test burger
Upload An Image

Once you've filled the basic information out, scroll down to Unit Additions and click on the "Add Multiple Additions By Class" text box. Type in 'Condiments' and click the Button. You should now see a list of newly appended Additions. Go down the list and Default enable the following items.
  • American Cheese
  • Yellow Mustard
  • Ketchup
Now scroll back up to the "Search Addition By Name" and Type in "Bacon" click the Button. Do not Default enable the newly appended Bacon Addition. And now click the button go back to the main menu and click your store under the "Manage a Store Menu", click "Test Store Menu" to load the preview store of your menu

Example: Building a Combo
In this Example we will go over building a Combo Meals that has 3 options where a customer can get a choice of burger, side, and drink. You would start by creating drink Units. - Example:
  • Coca-Cola
  • Pepsi
  • Sprite
You would set the Secondary Class for each Unit to "Lunch Combo Drinks"

To continue, you would create your side Units. - Example:
  • French Fries
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Carrots
You would set the Secondary Class for each Unit to "Lunch Combo Sides" *If you offer to sell sides separately you can also add the main Class as "Sides" so they are grouped on the menu in a "Sides" Category

Afterwards, you would create your burger Units. - Example:
  • Cheese Burger
  • Double Melt
  • Avacado Burger
You would set the Secondary Class for each Unit to "Lunch Combo Burgers" *If you offer to sell Burgers separately you can also add the main Class as "Burgers" so they are grouped on the menu in a "Burgers" Category

Finally, when all your possible combinations are created, you finish by creating the "holder" Unit.
You would complete the basic Unit Properties - Example Inputs:

  • Public Name: Lunch Combo
  • Private Name: lunch_combo
  • Class Name: Meals
  • Secondary Class Name: none NOTE: Combinations can not be inside of Combinations.
  • Cost: $7.00 NOTE: This cost will override the cost of all options attached.
  • Description: Choice Burger, Medium Drink, and a Side
  • Upload An Image: A example picture of this combo.

And Now to add the Secondary Class Options for each of the Secondary Classes we created:
  • Lunch Combo Drinks
  • Lunch Combo Sides
  • Lunch Combo Burgers
Click the click the button, and enter the Secondary Classes listed above in the input box. If the option is Required, make sure to check the Required Slider.
That's all were done! Make sure to click the button!